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Ceiling fans are a very personal choice depending on the styles you like or themes that you have. With new technology and more designs coming out, your options are numerous. You can choose from different blades depending on the style or size as well as the finish it has. Your motors will vary depending on the application. When choosing your ceiling fan there are a few basic things to keep in mind. Knowing the size of the room is important so you can pick the right size of fan. Also the height of your ceiling should be measured. Do you want a ceiling fan light fixture or not? Choosing a flush mount or a hanging mount can drastically change a look. Another thing is choosing the style of fan, from a tropical fan, airplane ceiling fan, or rustic ceiling fan for instance. Make sure you have a reversible speed on your ceiling fan for different ventilation options. You may even want a ceiling fan with a heater.

What grade is my ceiling fan.

A specific grade is placed on ceiling fans to help determine what our needs are. The first is the Performance Grade. These fans have larger motors usually tow speeds and very quiet when in operation. Being so durable these fans can be used 24/7 as they are built to last. The next is the Medium Grade ceiling fan priced better for the consumer will give you durability and along with the functionality that your deserve. These fans are great for rooms with heights of up to 12 feet. This fan is designed to be used for 12 hours or less at a time. The next is Economy Grade, and this is when price is very important. The fan's components are chosen to keep the price low and affordable. The functioning and durability will still be present. These ceiling fans work well in a room with the ceiling eight feet or less and should not be in use for more than eight hours at a time.

Features for ceiling fans

A modern ceiling fan is not the same basic fans you used to choose from when they were first made. Starting with the motor, they are measured in a watt which tells you the power of the motor. Speed and design affect the overall performance of the ceiling fan. The better the design will give you a quieter running fan but will cost more. Always check and see how reliable a fan is by looking at repair records to see how much downtime these particular fans have. Also check on the availability of the ceiling fan parts you may need. I f you want more than a ceiling fan pull, maybe you should check out a ceiling fan remote control which will allow you to operate your fan from anywhere in your room without getting up. Being able to have the right ceiling fan ventilation, you should make sure that you have a variability speed control so that you have the option to move the amount of air you need to.

Daryl plaza is the owner of ceilingfanhandbook a website designed with resources/reviews to help you discover the potential and benefits of your ceiling fans.

  1. Mark van Tuel June 8, 2009 at 5:57 AM  

    Before you going to buy a ceiling fan i suggest you take a look at ceiling fan reviews provided by consumers who already used the item.

    There are a lot of good ceiling fan brands out there. A good choice is Hampton Bay Ceiling Fans. These ceiling fans are pretty good and very affordable.

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