Welcome To Light Fixtures Discount... LED light fixtures will work for both outdoor and indoor lighting systems.... LED Light Bulbs - Use Them to Save Energy and Money ~ Light Fixtures Discount

Light Emitting Diodes, more often pronounced as LED light bulbs, are small size, solid light bulbs that are highly energy efficient and are vastly replacing standard Incandescent bulbs. They are very energy efficient and consume, relatively, less energy than traditional bulbs. They are very simple in use and have a long rated life.

As Led light bulbs are expensive they were not in frequent use until recently or were used as a single bulb application in lighting pens, remotes, electronic items etc. But as technology is getting improved day by day, the cost of led light bulbs is also getting lower and resulting in their use in applications where clusters of bulbs are used like battery items, flashlights and headlamps etc. Their applications are getting expanded day by day and the day is not far away when they become an inseparable part of everyday consumer electronics and would be used in a bunch without much thought required.

Traditional bulbs have a housing of glass to avoid oxygen around the flammable tungsten filament but led light bulbs have a housing of plastic that makes them easier to maintain and much more efficient. As Led light bulbs are energy saving bulbs, they consume less electricity and this results in higher cost savings. Also, as they generate less heat, they never get that hot and are far cooler.

Led light bulbs are used in applications indoors or outdoos and are vastly used in Modern Electronic Items, Traffic Lights, and Digital Clocks etc. They are also used in commercial and industrial works where maintenance and replacement cost are more important factors than operative cost. But, although led lights are replacing the other lighting technologies by leaps and bounds and revolutionizing the way the world uses lighting systems, they are still expensive and this factor cannot be avoided.

Led Light Bulb vs. Incandescent and halogen Bulb

Led light bulbs have a longer rated life than fluorescent and Incandescent bulbs. They last around 130 times longer than Incandescent bulbs and 10 times longer than compact fluorescent bulbs. Also as they are made up of plastic, they do not get damaged as easily as Incandescent bulbs. Due to the plastic surface, they sustain grating and bumping.

As they last longer, the maintenance and replacement cost is reduced. Their batteries also have a longer life. They consume far less energy and do not get heated up as traditional bulbs, making them easy to maintain.

The only negative factor they have is their cost. They are still expensive but that can definitely be offset against low electricity bills and longer life of batteries.

12v DC led light bulbs

12v DC led light bulbs are normally not used to light up the house or in any household item or fixture. They are used in porch lights, accent and reading lights, solar or battery powered systems and other 12 voltage setups and equipments.

6 volt Led Light Bulbs for Vintage Cars

6 volt led light Bulbs are much brighter than incandescent bulbs and are used in Automobiles like cars, trucks etc. They have an easier charging system and are polarity sensitive.

Led Tail Light Bulbs

LED Tail Light bulbs are the wonderful after market tribute to any car. The LED tail light bulbs are custom built units. Their prices must be standardized in order to make them more popular as they have custom built prices in the market depending on the type of assemblies.

12 Volt Led Light Bulbs

These led light bulbs are high energy saving, energy efficient and are small in size. They offer a brighter light than any incandescent bulb and have a low replacement and maintenance cost. They can be installed in any household lighting fixture due to their compact size.

Jeff King is a technologist with a background in consumer electrical devices. For more about LED Light Bulbs visit Light Bulb World.com


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